Modern combat versus practice new heroes
Modern combat versus practice new heroes

modern combat versus practice new heroes

If you really want to compare this approach with something, compare it with Quake Champions’. Everyone has to get out and get kills or play the objective, everything else is secondary.

modern combat versus practice new heroes

Though some classes can be classified as support, there’s no equivalent of a Mercy or Symmetra here. Even the Battle Medic, a role other games often equip with a healing beam and a meagre secondary, has a powerful grenade launcher and hover ability here - both exclusive to her - that allow her to lop grenades into a contested zone or shut down entry points. This is balanced out by her incredible speed, which makes her harder to hit when she’s moving, but a bit easier when she’s at the start of her swing. The Assassin, the game’s grappling hook-wielding hero is near inescapable at close range, but the trick is that it’ll take you a while to master her controls enough to consistently hit players. The heavier classes are just as vulnerable as the most agile if they don’t play to their strengths. The difference is that each of them requires mastery of movement and shooting mechanics unique to them. In simple terms, all of LawBreaker’s nine heroes (eight in the beta) can damage and kill enemies with ease. It’s unique in that its heroes aren’t balanced around set roles and different health pools, so much as they are around the different skills they require from the player. So what is it? LawBreakers is an arena shooter first and foremost. The same way a MOBA or - you know, Team Fortress 2 have had for years. The only thing the two have in common is that they both feature a colourful cast of characters. It doesn’t clone its mechanics, focus, modes, aesthetics, or execution. So let’s get this out of the way first: LawBreakers is nothing like Overwatch.

modern combat versus practice new heroes

Nobody can deny Overwatch’s influence on the genre, but it’s a lot easier to see its effects on a game like Paladins than LawBreakers. It seems you can’t release a class-based shooter with distinct heroes these days without it being compared to Overwatch.

Modern combat versus practice new heroes