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The other Leopard features Apple announced, alas, are almost all a complete waste of time. Two of the new features-Time Machine and Spaces-are valuable additions to OS X and worth discussing, though both, interestingly, have been done before in other OSes.

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More important, perhaps, is that the new OS X features that Jobs and company announced this week aren't, by and large, all that impressive. I'm not dim: Microsoft does copy Apple on a fairly regular basis. But this week at Apple's annual Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), he announced ten new features for Leopard, the next version of OS X, most of which will seem more than vaguely familiar to Windows users. He appears to spend half his waking hours ridiculing Microsoft's admittedly behind-schedule operating system, Windows Vista, for copying Mac OS X features. Sometimes I wonder how Apple CEO Steve Jobs can sleep at night.

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